WELL EMBODIED was created by two of us - Helen Padarin (naturopath, herbalist, nutritionist, best selling author and speaker) and Heidi East (Doula, naturopath, herbalist). We have worked together in different ways since 2003, culminating now in bringing our combined knowledge and experience of over 40yrs in healthcare into one supportive hub to empower you to thrive and love life!
To truly create transformation of our health, we need to safely, compassionately and curiously invite all parts of ourselves to the table. Health, after all, is far more than the absence of disease, it is a state of mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
We are thrilled that with our team, our online courses and resources in our online shop we can bring you a whole, well rounded, integrative, supported and comprehensive health care (human care) to bring great shifts into your life – physically, mentally and emotionally.
We marry together from ancient traditions and modern science. Modern science is gradually starting to be able to “prove” (in our modern definition of it) what so much traditional wisdom has taught for millennia.
Two core, central aspects to our health are gut health, and HPATG Axis function – the hormone regulatory system of our body, driven by our nervous system. The longer I spend in clinical practice, and in practising being human myself, the more I see the profound effects of perception and stress – seen and unseen – on our physical and mental health. Sounds simple, and yet it is so very profound.
Interwoven with this nerve and hormone symphony is our gut health. A zone where there are more nerves than there are in the brain and where microbial life outnumbers our human cells by 10:1. The interplays between microbial DNA with our DNA, the nervous system of the gut and the brain, and the intimate intricacies of the immune system in gut and brain function all weave together to provide either a symphony or cacophony of function for our entire body and mind.
The team here at Well Embodied are here to help you tune your experience of your health (and your Self) into one of a symphony. To achieve this, we help you find the best solutions for you personally. We like to test not guess, so where warranted, pathology tests and wellness screenings will be advised. We’ll talk food, and approach it as a joyous adventure, fostering curiosity and inspiration rather than relying on discipline and motivation. We focus on what to bring IN to your life.
While we like to focus on the foundations of healthy diet and lifestyle, we also use herbs and supplements if and when needed. Nature provides a remarkable farmacy for us to utilise, and we use these gifts with great reverence and respect. If you need practical one on one support implementing changes into your lifestyle, we have you covered there too with compassionate and supportive health coaching.
Ritual, cycles and rites of passage have been part of the human experience since the beginning of our times. Our disconnection from cycles – whether it’s our menstrual cycles, our 24 hour circadian rhythm, the moon phases or the changes in the seasons – disconnects us from ourself, from remembering we are PART of nature, not separate to it. In reconnecting with these rhythms we bring back deep remembering of the wisdom within our bodies, our ancestors and the world around us. Rites of passage (birth and birthing, puberty, parenthood, menopause, marriage, death to name but a few) are rituals that that mark the change from one state of being to the next step in our evolution of self. If held and supported well, and if moved through consciously we can reap rich and deep rewards that can be integrated into our lives as we grow into the next version of ourselves. At WELL EMBODIED we honour and encourage awareness and intent around rites of passage to create the best outcome physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally for the individual.

Naturopath, nutritionist, medical herbalist and best-selling author Helen Padarin has been in clinical practice since 2001. For 21 years she worked in one of Sydney’s most highly regarded integrated medical centres along with GP’s, a paediatrician, dentists and other practitioners.
Her mission is to educate and promote awareness about connection & communication with yourself – tapping into the wisdom and expertise of you - and a truly nourishing diet and lifestyle for everyone. Health is not just the absence of disease. It is a state of physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Health is an empowered, aware and sovereign state and it’s one that requires us to reconnect with ourselves, each other and nature.
Helen is passionate about individuals, families and organisation being EMPOWERED to make informed choices that support them to live their best lives. Practising compassionately being our best self is best for the individual and best for the collective.

Birth and post-partum doula, naturopath and nutritionist Heidi East has been working in the field of women’s and children’s health since 2005. As she began her own family and raised her children Heidi studied with the School Shamanic Womancraft which inspired her to train to become a Doula.
Heidi is passionate about ritual in supporting women through the profound rite of passage of birth and motherhood. She offers in-person support throughout pregnancy, birth and postpartum in the Northern Rivers of NSW, Australia. Heidi supports birth at home or in hospital, and in any range of family circumstances.
Her online offerings include profoundly impactful birth preparation and birth debriefs for mums to be and new mums, and Shamanic Womancraft sessions which bring light to the relationship between your history and your present life – an empowering process that will supports women to be able to work WITH the themes in their life rather than to battle against them.